
Even though you mentioned us as memory

There’s no need to feel sorry

Under the ashes the flame remains

Blow on it and it’ll burn again


2 Replies to “Memory”

  1. A true friend who gave me trust in life again after I had lost all hopes after a bad encounter online.
    He helped me put all the pieces together again and I ll always be thankful for that. We got out of touch for a while, but I owe him too much to ever forget how much he helped me.
    But ‘you’ can also be an imaginary lover or a past romance , it depends on the poems ๐Ÿ™‚
    Basically “you” is for “the men whose path I crossed during my life” , could be my son, my father, a crush, Mika, a friend real or in my imagination.
    I’m married and I have two children who are young adults, I opened a blog to save my poems , that was the first thing , and if I make friends through sharing them and people like them I really appreciate that, but I’m not looking for anything else.

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