My boo

I would like to come home to you
If only my dreams had come true
Your sweet smile would be mine
And I’d be happy till the end of time

You would cook for me lovingly
You would rub my feet tenderly
Give me tender kisses softly
Your hands cupping my face sweetly

Then we would go to bed early
To taste each other’s fantasy
I would dive so deep into your eyes
And we would die a thousand times

My feelings for you are still alive
And I will never change my mind
I loved, love and will love you
Forever and ever you will be my boo

Le jour ou on se rencontrera

Le jour ou on se rencontrera 

ça sera à un concert de Mika

Et toute la nuit on fêtera ça

En buvant du coca cola


Il est l’homme de notre vie

Ce n’est pas sa faute à lui

Mais toujours on s’aimera

Nous deux à travers Mika


Ce n’est pas compliqué

On était faits pour se recontrer 

Et pour tout partager 

Et pour nous aimer


Si l’homme de ma vie 

Le sien avait pu trouver

Cela m’aurait enchantée

Mais il est resté esseulé


J’ai beaucoup d’amis

Pour la plupart dans ma vie

A cause de cette histoire pas finie

Car il restera toujours l’homme de ma vie


Et toujours je courrai 

Après cet amour trop parfait

Quand on a connu un tel bonheur

On ne retrouve plus cet élan du coeur


Seul Mika a su la douleur apaiser

Par la grâce d’un sourire calmer

Cette tristesse d’avoir été abandonnée

Si près de la félicité


Il est comme un calmant

Comme un médicament

Nous l’aimons ardemment 

D’un amour passionné et passionnant


Believe in fairies

We didn’t make love tonight

But it was much stronger than that

A communion of soul

A commun search for gold


Feeling closer to you 

Is so amazing and new

Unbelievable yet so true

We met in a place that’s pink and blue


Where girls can be boys

Where boys can be girls

Where passion is all that matters

Where we ll be happy ever after


Feeling complete feeling loved

Feeling understood and taken care of

Finally able to rest for a moment

For we live in the same element


No need to fake or lie

Love is all yours and mine

Glitter and thunder

Surrender and recover


Something beautiful

Happened tonight

Loving each other at heart

As it was written from the start






Even though you mentioned us as memory

There’s no need to feel sorry

Under the ashes the flame remains

Blow on it and it’ll burn again


More than two years ago

More than two years have passed

It seems like it was a lifetime away

I can now free myself from the past

Understand and forgive your sway



You chased me only to leave me

Once I believed it was true love

Now I see it was like sitting on a hot stove

Burning silly nonsensical physical spree



I was ready to go so far for you

I guess only half your words were true

But I fell into the trap and my heart too

But you used your brain to tell me adieu



Maybe your heart missed me

But there was no room in your life

For someone to become your wife

And my sweet love words led you to set me free


But out of the blue you taught me a lesson

When someone is out of the way for a reason

You meet lots of sweeter people real friends

Who for one word won t let everything end

Money’s not worth a single tear

For an optimistic

Living with a pessimistic

Can be a pain in the attic

But thankfully I m artistic



I will not let someone else s mood

Ruin the lovely warm of spring

The tulips in the garden bloom

And summer will soon be coming



Never mind the future

I m broke but love is free

Who cares about the vultures

Let s live and love happily



Earth music and songs are here

Children and sunny days will be back

I know that for a fact

Money s not worth a single tear l

Cadeau de mariage pour deux amoureux

Quelle belle journėe pour vous marier

Le soleil aussi a ėtė invitė et a brillé

Et cette belle union de sa présence a honoré

Pour souhaiter beaucoup de bonheur aux mariés



Permettez moi de vous souhaiter

De toujours dans vos coeurs garder

L émotion de cette belle journée

Illustrant si bien votre amour partagé



L’amour et la liberté ont gagné

Célébrez et fêtez le fait de vous aimer

Permettez moi de vous souhaiter

Mille bonheurs et félicités

Two steps away from happiness

 A word that you


Lost in translation 

Led to escalation 

The wolf got out of the wood


It was a pun 

A joke for fun

You took it as a critic

You became hectic


He gave you the sweetest answer

To an awfully hurtful word you said 

He was being as witty and sweet as ever

But you felt insulted instead


How sad it is when happiness

Is only two steps away

And misunderstandings get into the way

Light ultimately will win over darkness


Can t you feel the love beneath the words?

Open your heart and a dictionary

Online they come for free

You were only two words away from fireworks