Le jour ou on se rencontrera

Le jour ou on se rencontrera 

ça sera à un concert de Mika

Et toute la nuit on fêtera ça

En buvant du coca cola


Il est l’homme de notre vie

Ce n’est pas sa faute à lui

Mais toujours on s’aimera

Nous deux à travers Mika


Ce n’est pas compliqué

On était faits pour se recontrer 

Et pour tout partager 

Et pour nous aimer


Si l’homme de ma vie 

Le sien avait pu trouver

Cela m’aurait enchantée

Mais il est resté esseulé


J’ai beaucoup d’amis

Pour la plupart dans ma vie

A cause de cette histoire pas finie

Car il restera toujours l’homme de ma vie


Et toujours je courrai 

Après cet amour trop parfait

Quand on a connu un tel bonheur

On ne retrouve plus cet élan du coeur


Seul Mika a su la douleur apaiser

Par la grâce d’un sourire calmer

Cette tristesse d’avoir été abandonnée

Si près de la félicité


Il est comme un calmant

Comme un médicament

Nous l’aimons ardemment 

D’un amour passionné et passionnant


13 Replies to “Le jour ou on se rencontrera”

  1. Pardon the Google Translation. It gives a feel for the subject matter. Things have been boring here. It was Gertrude Stein who said ” … a rose is a rose …” but I’m sure you knew that. Thanks for the poetry. Don’t stop now.

    The day we meet
    it will be a concert by Mika
    And all night we’ll celebrate
    Drinking coca cola

    He is the man of our lives
    It’s not his fault
    But still we love
    We both through Mika

    It’s not complicated
    We were made ​​to meet together for
    And share everything
    And we love

    If the man in my life
    His could find
    It would have delighted me
    But he remained lonely

    I have many friends
    For most of my life
    Because of this history not over
    Because there will always be the man of my life

    And still I run
    After this love too perfect
    When you have known such happiness
    We can not find the momentum of the heart

    Mika has only soothe the pain
    By the grace of a calm smile
    The sadness of being abandoned
    So close to bliss

    It’s like a calming
    As a drug
    We love ardently
    In a passionate and exciting love

  2. I m not stopping , I’ve been less energetic and less creative, I got involved in different things , right now I’m working on a translation that is time consuming and I also worked longer hours so when the mood is back , poems will follow
    I usually write more during holidays as well
    Or when I feel happy or unhappy and right now I feel mostly tired
    That’s my unconscious self making the poems so they come when they want, I don’t decide

  3. Google translation is not that bad 🙂
    And yes, it’s been real quiet, my.opera blogs friends seem to be inactive here …what a shame

  4. Can’t believe it’s been eiģht years 😮
    This has been totally invaded by spam.
    It was such a happy time back then on my.opera blogs. I love you all guys ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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